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Performance Management Services

We apply our skills and experience as reputable Human Resources Consultants, to answer crucial questions relating to how improve organisational performances and employee performances.

What it means

Pulling in the same direction to achieve common goals is not usually an easy task to achieve. Yet, for an organisation to be optimal in the pursuit of its goals, systems and efforts must be in place to keep employees at congruence. 

This is where Teoaris comes in as an impactful human resources consultants.

What we do

We assist organisations to develop and manage frameworks that’ll drive the organisation towards aligning individual performances with organisational goals.

We assist to implement and institute methodologies that help them establish, motivate and measure the performances of individual employees.

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We assist organisations to set up systems for:

  • Goal Setting: Aligning individual, departmental and team goals to the strate­gic goals of the organ­i­sa­tion.
  • Identifying gaps between goals and competencies, and closing the gaps
  • Efficient allocation of resources
  • Instituting self-adjusting mechanisms for mitigating obstacles to performance through individualized support systems
  • Optimal allocation of resources
  • Structured measurement and reporting systems for review­ing and assess­ing progress
  • Con­tin­u­ous per­for­mance man­age­ment improvement cycle


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